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TAA Program Benefits

Trade Adjustment Assistance for Firms (TAA) is a proven, easy-to-use program managed by business professionals who understand manufacturing. TAA focuses on providing cost-sharing assistance to import-impacted manufacturers. See how firms and those that refer firms to TAA can benefit from this federal program.

For firms

* 50/50 cost sharing
* Minimize investment and maximize results
* Leverage resources
* Cash flow advantages

50/50 cost sharing

TAA offers 50/50 cost sharing of projects aimed at improving a manufacturer's competitive position. Specifically, these matching funds are applied toward the cost of consultants, engineers, designers or industry experts for improvement projects in areas such as manufacturing, engineering, marketing, information technology and quality. TAA pays for half of the cost of these services, up to $150,000 in projects with a maximum TAA share of $75,000. Actual levels of assistance depend on a variety of factors. Call us for further details.

"Through the support TAA provided us we got the impetus we needed to get back on our feet...no, that doesn't do it justice. We got up and started outdistancing our foreign competition. TAA worked for us, and worked very well indeed."

Kevin Buckley, President
The Protector Corporation
Boulder, CO

Minimize investment and maximize results

Participating companies pay only 50% of a project, but enjoy 100% of the results. With TAA, firms can expedite important improvement strategies that would otherwise be delayed due to cost-sharing constraints, thereby allowing faster realization of bottom line benefits from those projects.

Leverage resources

Use TAA for certain improvement projects, freeing company resources for other expenses not covered by this federal program, such as equipment purchases.

Cash flow advantages

This is NOT a "reimbursement" program. A firm is responsible for only half of the project costs, while TAA pays the consultant the remainder.

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For groups that refer manufacturers to TAA

Whether you are a trade association, bank, economic development group, consulting firm or any other organization referring manufacturers to this federal program, TAA offers you an opportunity to...

Be a valuable resource

Pointing your members/clients in the direction of proven, substantive TAA assistance is another chance to reinforce and enhance your image as an excellent resource provider.

"We were able to set a game plan to attack our market that was being flooded with imports. For the first time, Riedell had access to resources that on our own we never would have explored."

Robert Riegelman, President
Riedell Shoes, Inc.
Red Wing, MN

Meet new clients/members

Working with the nationwide network of Trade Adjustment Assistance Centers (TAACs) that administer this program could potentially give you coast-to-coast exposure to new clients/members in a wide variety of industries.

Support U.S. manufacturing

In a recent independent study of TAA conducted by the renowned Urban Institute, the program was found to be highly effective with dramatic and measurable results in sales and job growth. Participating firms grew sales by an average of 33.9%, a rate significantly higher than corresponding industry averages. By referring companies to this proven federal assistance program, your organization contributes to the positive effect TAA has on the manufacturing community, local economy and beyond.

"We have experienced record sales and have been able to diversify our product portfolio so we could compete with foreign companies and make up for loses in military spending. Mensor is a survivor because we were given a second chance through this program!"

Paul Neilson, President
Mensor Inc.
San Marcos, TX

Contact your regional TAAC to learn how you can specifically benefit from this program.


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Trade Adjustment Assistance For Firms
Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Commerce
Economic Development Administration
Washington, DC 20230

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